Greetings from Asian girls

Greetings from Asian girls
Greetings from Asian girls


Snoring causes of death

Inlife we will encounter such a situation : a long healthy friends die, inexplicably in sleep; a dinner with us family, never wake up in the morning. Medical home on more than 400 death patients were found, most of the dead had years of snoring history. This shows that snoring is one of the culprits night sudden death.Snoring is very dangerous, the child snoring easily lead to short stature, weight, lack of concentration in class, memory loss, reduction of intelligence, learning achievement is not good.Women snore easily lead to sallow complexion, rough skin, fat, bad breath, mouth pain, irregular menstruation. Serious or even ahead of 3-15 years of menopause.Male snore easily lead to sexual function decline, and even impotence; losing energy during the day, confused and disoriented, affecting the development of future work.Blood pressure in elderly snoring sleep increased significantly, and even sudden death.Research confirms, 1/3 hypertension, heart disease caused by 1/5 snoring, other complications and cerebral vascular diseases, diabetes, kidney disease, epilepsy and other 20 kinds of.

