To provide users with a superior user experience is the basis of the Apple brand value. But recently not only a user comment Apple (Development site information) Map on Apple's commitment to draw a knife. Coupled with the recent drop in share prices, and analysts are not optimistic, we can not help but suspect that Apple's brand value is not disappearing?
Apple's online satisfaction has declined. ForeSee site to four conditions to judge online store user satisfaction: competitive prices, the appeal of commodities, website content and website features. Apple 2012 users online satisfaction score only 80 points, the lowest score for four consecutive years. In contrast, Amazon's score of 88 points. The reasons for the decline of the online satisfaction is very simple, and other online stores, Apple stores are not enough varieties of goods. A survey shows that a variety of influential than price influence. The major sales of Apple Mac, iPad, iPhone, and iPod, but Amazon sold everything.
But if money earnings, Apple is still the boss of the retail stores. There was a report, Apple earnings even second Tiffany twice every inch of land in all retail stores in November.
The competitors have noticed, and is to mimic Apple's retail experience. Microsoft's new store is very nice, clean, simple, looks like Steve Jobs personally designed. And the biggest difference between Apple retail stores, on the walls of the Microsoft retail stores have many colorful magnetic stickers as the embellishment, looks quite attractive. But its allure is not as good as the Apple Store. Found a couple of days ago I visited the Microsoft store in Palo Alto, Microsoft Store is more than twice as large as the Apple Store, but not day visitors. In contrast, the Apple store is very busy last week a total of 19,000 visitors.
IPhone loyalty decline. After investigation, the policy analyst firm found that only 88% of iPhone users say they will buy another iPhone, and last year the figure was 93%, and this is the first time. There are two explanations for user loyalty decline, iPhone charm is no longer, and the second is the iOS 6 map.
IPhone user loyalty is still overriding competitors. Studies have found that Samsung (Development site information) are working to enhance customer loyalty, but now only 82%. In addition, Barron voting in August, only 48% of Android users plan to buy an Android phone, and 2% of BlackBerry users continue to buy BlackBerry.
Other products also finally able to compete and Apple products. The growing gap between Apple and competitors. Samsung, Google, Nokia smartphone can usually give the left a very deep impression. , Amazon, Sony and Barnes & Noble have launched the Tablet PC, although not from the large waves, but still be able to take away a small portion of the market belongs to Apple.
The high cost of conversion to other platforms from Apple. Very large user base of Apple products, more than half of U.S. households own more than one Apple device, the average over the three Apple devices. Synchronization between the device are via OTA or iCloud, in October last year, iCloud users had reached 190 million people. If you want to convince the user to connect a few non-Apple devices is a challenge, but learning another familiar to a new platform is not small cost.
Investors underestimate the value of brilliance. Apple has a very strong brand, user satisfaction and loyalty little bit lower, but also enjoys a great advantage compared to competitors. Think about the company in the field of consumer electronics popularity of the three most popular products, and continues to occupy the field of consumer electronics products at the fastest speed, and set up a retail store standards, with the number of 435 million consumers, in addition to The company will also introduce more new products in 2013.
A blog, Apple is often used to compare and Cisco, and Microsoft. Bowen pointed out that the technology bubble burst in 2000. YCharts data show that Cisco then the historical price-earnings ratio of 200, Microsoft is 64, but today Apple 11. Cisco and Microsoft's stock price is high because of the high earnings multiples, Apple's stock price is high because of the profitable and healthy and stable, there is limit to the number of shares. However, Apple's stock price is not "expensive", this is the reason why competitors can not compare.
Overall, Apple's brand value is still strong. Yes, it is the presence of competition, and competitors can launch devices to challenge Apple products. But compared to competitors, Apple have a higher level of user loyalty, and will continue to attract more buyers to enter the Apple Store. If Apple's decline will be very high, the user cost of conversion platform, users also continue to stay in the Apple ecosystem, this high price so Apple leeway for fix errors (such as Apple Map).