Greetings from Asian girls

Greetings from Asian girls
Greetings from Asian girls


iphone 5s ultimate exposure

According to the famous KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo predicted, in 2013, Apple product updates will be brisk, including improved models of the two the iPhone - iPhone5S existing iPhone 5, iPad mini with Retina display screen, as well as hardware upgrades MacBook laptop and AppleTV.
Of course, we are most concerned about, or is it two iPhone, alleged iPhone 5S appear also accompanied by a low-cost version of the iPhone 5 look similar to the basic and 5, but thicker design and plastic housing to reduce costs; and like I said earlier, there will be in addition to black and white outside with multi-color to choose from.
Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo The forecast given in the report, which even includes the configuration of the iPhone 5S, remains in the 4-inch screen, the new 28nm process A7 processor upgrade the maximum aperture of the camera to f2.0, batteryincreased up to 1600 mAh, thickness and weight remain unchanged.

