Greetings from Asian girls

Greetings from Asian girls
Greetings from Asian girls


Dating girls

White girl ( in British Holland, Germany, the United States and their descendants girls )First date: you will and her good night kissSecond date: there will be further physical contactThird date: may go to bed, but in the most general wayThe Irish girlFirst date: you and she got drunk and went to bedSecond date: you again and she got drunk and went to bed20 wedding anniversary: you still and she got drunk and went to bedItaly girlsFirst date: you take her to see a show, then go to a very expensive restaurantSecond date: you meet with her parents, her mother gave you do Italy and Italian meatballThird date: you have sex with her, she wanted to marry you, and stick to the 3 carat diamond ring.5 wedding anniversary: you had 5 children, and hates to sleep with her6 years of marriage, you think you have a mistressThe Jewish girlFirst date: you have a headache healing crackSecond date: you have to dieThird date: you are no longer a headache, because you promised to marry herChinese girlsFirst date: you took her to a very expensive restaurant, nothing happened.Second date: you took her to a more expensive restaurants, still nothing happened.Third date: no third date, because you're aware, always nothing will happen.Ps: and Chinese students date, the first meal of the day, nothing happened, the very next day to go to the bar, what has happened, the third day to abortionIndia girlsFirst date: see her parents.Second date: the date agreed to marryThird date: marriedBlack girlFirst date: you should take her to eat very expensive dinnerSecond date: you need to take her and her friends to eat very expensive dinnerThird date: you have to pay for her rent.Tenth date: she's pregnant, the child is not youMexico girlsFirst date: you should take her to eat luxurious dinner, drinking too much tequila drunk, and then in the back seat of the carSecond date: she's pregnant.Third date: she moved into your house. After a week, her father, mother, sister, brother, brother, their children, her grandparents, her father 's mother, her sisters, cousins, her sister 's boyfriend, and their three children moved to you. Can eat rice and lentils just every day. Your home like a Mexico slumPakistan girlsFirst date: date by her family. Her parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, cousin, cousin, cousin, uncle and aunt, uncle, aunt, all his friends and neighbors.Second date: you get a headshotNo third date. . ©2013 Baidu 使用百度前必读|百度翻译API|翻译协议|建议与反馈|帮助

